Sunday, October 31, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is TIWAZ.
Tiwaz belong to the 3rd aett (Tyr's aett).
Masculine rune.
Tiwaz protect you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Items of Veronika Csibi

Hungarian Viking Actress, Veronika Csibi' s Items

Rune of day

Rune of day is PERTRO.
PERTRO belong to 2.nd aett, to aett of Heimdall.

Good luck, maybe money or something material thing.
Change in your life, development.
Feminim mystery, maybe fertility.

(aett: division of runes. There are runes what belong to Freya, Heimdall and Tyr. Aett means one divison of runes, aettir means more. It is similar like dis and disir. Dis means one protective spirit of clans, disír means 2 or more spirits. Aesir or Vanir are similar too. Aes mean one aes god or godess, aesir means 2 or more. Vanir means one Van god or godess, Vanir means 2 or more. You are really clever, you know some norse grammar :))

Have a nice day, brothers and sisters!:)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is SOWILO.
Sowilo is rune of Baldur.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lyric of "Das Fest Der Wintersonne"

Das Fest Der Wintersonne (Ein Weihnachtslied)

Rauch von Holz und Harz liegt in der Luft
Ich atme ein den verlockenden Duft
Yulezeit ist da, Yulezeit ist da

Im tiefstem Winter, so einsam die Nacht
Die Sonne wendet und Balder erwacht
Stellt das Sonnenrad auf, stellt das Sonnenrad auf

Der Tannenbaum in seiner Pracht
Der Yuleast lodert hell durch die Nacht
Stimmungsvolle Ruh, stimmungsvolle Ruh

Das Licht am Himmel die Hoffnung bringt
Und Tor wild seinen Hammer swingt
Kraft fuers kommende Jahr, Kraft fuers kommende Jahr

Frey und Freyas Sinnlichkeit
Bringt Liebe, Lust und Fruchtbarkeit
Leben wird weitergehn, Leben wird weitergehn

Oh, Wintersonne das Fest fuer Sie
Meed, Korn und das Blut unsere Gaben an Sie
Auf ewige Wiederkehr, auf ewige Wiederkehr


Thanks for readers from US.
They are really busy to read this site.

Hail to the Hammer, brothers and sisters:)

Nice asatru track

Yule is not here, but this track is really nice
and I like it so much.

Rune of day

Rune of day is URUZ.

Uruz is the second rune of futhark.

Uruz mean one kind of wild ox.

It is a really masculine rune.

Great energy.



Sexual desire.

You can use it for healing.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pagan infos

It is not asatru mp3.
There are simple pagan infos about Halloween.
Its very good for beginner pagans brothers and sisters:)


Rune of day

Rune of day is TIWAZ.
Rune of warrior.
Protection. Tiwaz can protect you.:)

Have a nice day!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is Sowilo.
Sowilo is rune of Baldur.

We have in Hungary shiny day:)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

True Vikings!

Re-enacting ancient times society

Rune of day

Rune of day is TIWAZ.
Tiwaz is rune of Tyr. He protect the warriors.
Tiwaz can protect you.
Element of this rune is air.

Friday, October 22, 2010

by Mister Moon

Heathen Art

by Mister Moon

Rune of day

Rune of day is Pertro.
It means good luck,
good omen,
evolutionary change in your life.
Your day will really nice.:)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is GEBO.

love affair,


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is EIHWAZ.



Turning point in your life.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Serenade of the Last Wolf

Rune of day

Rune of day is ANSUZ.
Ansuz means good advice and wisdom.
Knowledge. Verbal communication.
Ansuz is rune of Odin.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Viking Jewels

A very talent asatruer artist made these items. You can order and asking here and on facebook.

Viking Jewels

A very talent asatruer artist made these items. You can order and asking here and on facebook.

Rune of day

Rune of day is HAGALAZ. Uncontrollable natural forces. Beginning and end. Confusion.
It is not bad. A confusion can teach something to you. For example: patience, tolerance and so on.
Hagalaz means bad weather and storm too. If I were to you I dont plan a trip today.

Have a nice day!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is GEBO.

Gebo means present, surprise. Friendship. Love. Love affair. Sex. Present.
Present, for example money, jewel, book, knowledge, wisdom. Our gods and goddesses can give to us some present today. :)

Have a nice day!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is FEHU.

FEHU means cattle. Wealth. You must hardly working for wealth. You must spent more times with your friends and care for your friends and your lover.


Protect the animals and the environment!

Click here!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is inguz. Love and peace. Harmony. Unity.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Dear Asatruers!

Asatru Hungary organize a praying for victims of red mud catastroph in Hungary.
I would to know, what is the best day, best time, when we can pray to gods and godesses.
If you have a good idea, please write it!



Kedves asatruerek!

Közös időpontban történő imádkozást szervez az AH. Kérek minden tagot, aki egy imával támogatná a vörösiszap-katasztrófa áldozatait, írja meg ide, hogy támogatni kívánja és hogy mikor érne rá, és kitalálunk egy közös, tökéletes időpontot!


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Please, donate!

Hungarian Red Cross has launched a national fundraising campaign to help people affected by the red sludge disaster.

Contributions can be transferred to the bank account of the Hungarian Red Cross:

Account number: 10405004-00026547-00000000

Bank name and address:

K&H Bank Budapest, 1051 Budapest, Vigadó tér 1.

Account holder: Magyar Vöröskereszt (Hungarian Red Cross)

IBAN: HU37 1040 5004 0002 6547 0000 0000


Please indicate in the bank order the word: "ISZAP" (sludge)


Rune of day

Rune of day is WUNJO. Joy. Happyness and light.:)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is LAGUZ. Intuition, inner voice. Laguz is a decidedly feminine rune.

Hagalaz :)

I like this song.

Enjoy it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is Raidho too:)

Travel, changing, develpoment.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rune calling

I like it to hear:

Enjoy it!

Rune of day

Rune of day is RAIDHO.

Travel, changing, development.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Norwegian folktales

I have founded norwegian folktales.

Enjoy them!


Rune of day

Rune of day is ALGIZ.

Protection, connection with the goddess and gods. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010