Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rune of day: NAUTHIZ

Rune of day is Nauthiz.
It belongs to the 2nd aett.

That means:

  • need
  • necessity
  • conflict
  • desire
You must be careful and patient.

Have a nice day:)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Rune ofa day: INGWAZ

Rune of day is INGWAZ.

Ingwaz belongs to the third aett.

It is a really good rune.


End of something. New beginning.

Have a nice and funny day! :)

Rune of day: Wunjo

Rune of day is: Wunjo.

That belongs to 1.st aett.

It is a really greatful rune.

It means joy and success.


You can be creative today.

Have a nice day!:)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Rune of day: RAIDHO

Rune of day is RAIDHO.
Raidho belongs to the 1st aett.
Raidho is the "r" from the word futhark.
Journey. Travel.
Good changing.
You can receive a message today.
You can make compromise in your partnership.
A half- measure would be useful and wise.

Have a nice day, brothers and sisters:)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is WUNJO.

It means joy and happiness.

You can be today very creative in your job or in your hobby.

Good relation with your family and friends.

Have a nice day/evening!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Rune of day-Fehu

Rune of day is Fehu.
Wealth. Money.
When you would like reach your purpose
you must offer for it time and money. Do not think about time and money if you would like reach the purpose.
It is a really good time care your partnership and
your boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife.
Maybe he/she needs more care and love.
When you love your lover more and
you care your partnership more
then it is really worthy.
If you send an e-card or a good night sms for your boyfriend/girlfriend
then it is a really useful thing, because it make more stonger your partnership.

Have a nice day/ evening!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is Hagalaz.

What I wrote yesterday that true today too.

  • Difficulty.
  • Confusion.
Difficulty can maybe something positive,
for example: born of a baby or a new love.

There are difficulty too, but we are happy, isn't it?

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I search texts and articles about William Tell.

I'm interesting in historical and literary sources, for example:

Schiller: William Tell,

White Book,

germanic Sagas,

ballad of William of Cloudesly

and Gesta Danorum.

Not problem when the texts and articles are in english or in german.

You can write me: asatruhungary@citromail.hu

Rune of day

Rune of day is Hagalaz.

That rune belongs to 2nd aett.

It is the 1st rune of 2nd family (aett).

Hagalaz means: hail.

You can not reverse it.

Difficulty. Confusion.

Difficulty can maybe something positive,

for example: born of a baby or a new love.

There are difficulty too, but we are happy, isn't it?

Have a nice day!


Monday, November 22, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is ANSUZ.

Ansuz belongs to the 1.st aett.

Ansuz means a good advice from your friends or beloved ones.

Maybe from the gods!

Wisdom. You can take the wisdom with verbal communication,

with experience, with reading or with dreams and so on.

Have a nice day:)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wonderful Norway

Norwegian music

Rune of day: URUZ

Rune of day is URUZ.

That is the second rune of the futhark.

It belongs to 1st aett.

That rune means an extincted european wild ox.

Health. Potency.

When you are ill now, you will fast healthy again.

Drink herba tea against cold and flu.

Changing in your life.

Have a nice day:)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rune of day: ISA

Rune of day is ISA.

That means: ice.
You pronunce it: esa.
Phonetically value: e

Maybe you will enstrange from your beloved ones.
Don't dispute!
It is a transitional period in your life.

Remember, we need each other!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Valhalla 1986

Valhalla 1986

Rune of day- INGWAZ

Rune of day is INGWAZ.

It is a really lucky rune.

You can not reverse it.

INGWAZ means: peace, love.

Aggrement and unity.

Male fertility. ( Make love, don't war) ;)

Undying love.

Human warmth.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hagalaz Runedance: Dawning

Present for my Readers:)

Rune of day

Rune of day is Gebo.

That rune belongs to the first aett.

Gebo means present and realtionship with

our friends, family and gods and godesses.

Friendship, love, love affair. Sex.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rune of day- LAGUZ

That's the water rune, signals

the opening up of huge psychic

and creative

potential -imagination at

its most powerful and rewarding.

A good time for any activities

involving or connected with water.

Laguz also represents emotional cleansing.

Your faculties are at their peak.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rune of day - BERKANA

Rune of day is BERKANA.

That means: birch.

Birch brings fertility in many differnt cultures.

In hungarian culture too. :) :) :)

That is a feminin rune.


New beginning, maybe a new period in your life.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Rune of Day

Rune of day is LAGUZ.
That means intuition, inner voices.
It is a feminin rune.
Beginning of your creative period.
You have more talent in this time.

You can send me your drawing, poem, short story and song.
I will publish all of them on this site!

I wait them:


Have a nice day!:)

Friday, November 12, 2010

In honour of Frigga

For Our Beloved One :)

Rune of day-Othala

Rune of day is Othala.

That means heritage, own, belongings and character.

It would means money and something buyable.

Heritage not means definitely something financial, it would an attribute of you.

Maybe your patience and tolerance.

Knowledge is value, too. It is a nice heritage.

Have a nice day!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Our Goddess in Me

Honour of Frigg

by Diána

I call You, I adore You Odin,
God of ancient way,
I call You, I adore You Frigga
Let us always stay
On the path what takes
Us to You with our faith.


Rune of day -WUNJO

Rune of day is Wunjo.

That mean joy and happiness and succesful.

If you did yesterday some kindness with your loved ones, it make you happy.

Maybe they write to you e-card or call.

If you are not an artist then this day is perfect to create something greatful.

If you would like to send me any story you have written for the competition ,

please do it today. (Please, write me with or without your name.)

(I put something self-made creation to this site!)


Have a sunny day!:)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rune of day - MANNAZ

Rune of day is Mannaz again.
You know, Mannaz belongs to 3rd aett, to Tyr's aett.

You must understand that the members of the mankind need each other.
Everybody need the other people, for example members of family or friends or neighbours and so on.
You must remember, we are never alone!

My advices:

Care for your family and friends!

Send an e-card for your best friend!
Do not forget your true lover either!:)
Help for grandparents !

Have a nice day!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Todays the www is a new way for OUR FOLK and OUR WAY.

Nowdays we can use the www like a place where we can connecting, meeting and speaking with EACH OTHER.

We can help with own experiences and good advices that how what we honour OUR GODS, GODDESSES and ANCESTORS.

It gives strength to OUR GODS! and to the Folk !

This will make us strong again as there will be strength in our numbers !

Sign in and connect to OUR FOLK!


Rune of day

Rune of day is Mannaz. Mannaz belongs to 3rd aett, to Tyr's aett.
You must understand that the members of the mankind need each other.
Everybody need the other people, for example members of family or friends or neighbours and so on.
You must remember, we are never alone!

My advices: Care for your family and friends!Send an e-card for your best friend! Do not forget your true lover either!:)

Do not judge the other people and do not boast openly! Maybe you scare somebody with this directly boast.

Have a nice day!:)

Hávamál (part of Hávamál)

The unwise man thinks all to know,
while he sits in a sheltered nook;
but he knows not one thing, what he shall answer,
if men shall put him to proof.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Some questions

Dear brothers and sisters,

if you have some ideas how can more better this site,
please write a message in the chatbox.
What kind of topics write me?
About asatru in general?
About rituals?
About feasts?
About Yule?
About runes or Eddas?
About some saga?
About mithological entities?
About disir or vaettir?
Or more pics and music?

Thanks the answers!


Rune of day

Rune of day is BERKANA.

Berkana belongs to the 3.rd aett, toTyr's aett.
New begining.
New life.
New love or birth.

My own art; Yggdrasil

Hand made Yggdrasil from me

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is EHWAZ.
Ehwaz mean horse, horses.
Wonderful marriage.
Good partnership.

Have anice day!


Friday, November 5, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is NAUTHIZ.
Need, frustration.

Dispite of I wish you really glad and nice day,
but take care, brothers and sisters!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Hávamál, The Ballad of the High One

The Ballad of the High One


Rune of day

Rune of day is THURISAZ.
Thurisaz is looks like a thorn.
Thorn can protect you or it can hurt you too.
You can use Thurisaz protect yourself.

Take care!

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is WYRD.
Wyrd is a feminin noun. It means: fate, destiny.
Personal fate.
Some fateful happening/ people/ friends in your life.

Have a nice day!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Rune of day

Rune of day is LAGUZ.
Laguz is a feminin rune.
Intuition, Inner voice.
It belongs to women.
Women can feel the inner voice better.
Völven of vikings are female too and other mithologys have female witches too.
We must respect the women.

You can make a good decide today.

Have a nice day, brothers and sisters! :))